Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

WCE strikes again!!!

This morning being the first of the month, the Worst Conductor Ever (WCE) was running late as usual. He slammed through the back door of my car at about 95th street and began his task of checking tickets. On the outside of my seat was a younger woman, with short hair in that disfunctionally messed up look, but very obviously a female. WCE gets to our seats, takes the woman's ticket she is offering up to be punched, like the good little commuter that she seems to be. WCE leers at her for a solid five seconds, punches the ticket, and hands it back to her stating...

"I just had to make sure, you never know anymore"

Yup, that's right. Worst Conductor Ever, the cross dresser spotter.


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