Pet Peeve Monday
Well lately things have quieted down now that most of the muggles are off of the trains. So instead of bitching about them, I had to think up something new to complain about so what are your pet peeves about riding the South Shore.
I know the one that pisses me off more than anything is that it seems like the first people to stand up to get off of the train first, are either old or fat, and either way are slow as hell. Why do you people think that you should be first off of the train, when all you do is clog it up for people who actually can walk up a flight of stairs without it turning into an aerobic activity. Get the hell out of everybodies way you inconsiderate pieces of lard!
Also I hate when people talk about masterbation on the train... ;0)
I know the one that pisses me off more than anything is that it seems like the first people to stand up to get off of the train first, are either old or fat, and either way are slow as hell. Why do you people think that you should be first off of the train, when all you do is clog it up for people who actually can walk up a flight of stairs without it turning into an aerobic activity. Get the hell out of everybodies way you inconsiderate pieces of lard!
Also I hate when people talk about masterbation on the train... ;0)
At 11:21 AM,
RarelyQuiet said…
Mine has got to be those people who either stink or flop in the seat. Both of them are always sitting right next to you. You're sleeping in the morning and they have to do this free fall into the seat next to you just so they can wake you up. These people need to get hit by a bus!
At 2:39 PM,
southsider2k5 said…
Even worse than the feet on the seat are the muggles who feel like a backpack and a laptop entitles you an entire 4 seater to themself. I like to sit across from those people and set on their feet and knock knees with them.
At 11:10 AM,
RarelyQuiet said…
I for one would not get into an arguement with nerdnotmensa! Most of the topics of conversation are definitely not my area of expertise. I can argue computers and archery. After that I'm lost.
At 11:55 AM,
southsider2k5 said…
But it is always such a good feeling to know how close we came to adding another person to the muggle-ticker, which has been woefully stuck at 2 for too long.
At 8:41 PM,
southsider2k5 said…
At 7:38 AM,
RarelyQuiet said…
Touche! I've had a girlfriend every now and then but the topic is usually about *Female* masturbation and I don't have enough expierence with that. Now if we had a single woman on the train that would want to demonstrate.... *innocent look*
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