The Continuing Adventures of... Our Favorite Conductor!
Most days Our Favorite Conductor (OFC) has it pretty easy. Sure he has to herd the muggles onto the train, and punch all of those tickets, but all in all he has a pretty cushy job. After all he has us to entertain him on a regular basis. But every once in a while, he earns his paycheck. In the midst of clearing my backlog of stories, here is an instant classic...
A few weeks ago we stopped at 59th street. Now ususally that isn't too much cause of interest, as normally only a few people get on, which mostly consist of University of Chicago students and staff, and some people who went to the Mueseum of Science and Industry. Well lets just say this day was different.
The usual crew was stuck standing as we were subject to a seasonal muggle invasion which had robbed us of our well earned seats. So we were standing in the middle of the traincar, next to the centerdoors. As the centerdoors opened at 59th, OFC stepped out onto the platform to do his conductorly duties. OFC met up with a young guy, probably in his teens who asked
"Is Dion on the train?"
"Dion?" OFC asked?
"Yeah, Dion."
"Who the hell is Dion? Just get on the damned train! People want to get home!"
"Dang man, you ain't gotta curse at me, I just want to know if Dion is on the train."
Needless to say, Dion was never spotted. If you have any information that could lead our poor lost muggle to Dion, you can pass it us here. We will make sure that the information gets passed on with god's speed. Thank you.
Also. In the interest of getting commuters really drunk and happy, be sure to contribute your ideas for the South Shore drinking game. Remember, even if you are a lazy piece of crap and have never registered with blogger, you can still post your suggestions on our handy-dandy barely used message board.
A few weeks ago we stopped at 59th street. Now ususally that isn't too much cause of interest, as normally only a few people get on, which mostly consist of University of Chicago students and staff, and some people who went to the Mueseum of Science and Industry. Well lets just say this day was different.
The usual crew was stuck standing as we were subject to a seasonal muggle invasion which had robbed us of our well earned seats. So we were standing in the middle of the traincar, next to the centerdoors. As the centerdoors opened at 59th, OFC stepped out onto the platform to do his conductorly duties. OFC met up with a young guy, probably in his teens who asked
"Is Dion on the train?"
"Dion?" OFC asked?
"Yeah, Dion."
"Who the hell is Dion? Just get on the damned train! People want to get home!"
"Dang man, you ain't gotta curse at me, I just want to know if Dion is on the train."
Needless to say, Dion was never spotted. If you have any information that could lead our poor lost muggle to Dion, you can pass it us here. We will make sure that the information gets passed on with god's speed. Thank you.
Also. In the interest of getting commuters really drunk and happy, be sure to contribute your ideas for the South Shore drinking game. Remember, even if you are a lazy piece of crap and have never registered with blogger, you can still post your suggestions on our handy-dandy barely used message board.
At 12:39 PM,
southsider2k5 said…
WHO is Dion? How can you actually ask WHO is Dion? Something are just better left to the philosophers... Why is the Sky blue? If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound? Who is Dion?
At 10:55 AM,
southsider2k5 said…
We care when it means entertainment on the train... That is all.
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