Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

Muggle Ticker-----> 9

Yes that is right, we even topped the two in two days, by running off not one, but two muggles in one day.

The first one totally deserved it. She was some high society East Coast snob, who was on her cellphone the whole time, hitting on such topics as her new BMW that she got on a lease swap, her trials and tribulations as a plastic surgeon, and why Greenich is so much better to live in versus living in Danbury. It took some crude and obnoxious work, but eventually she tired of the crass conversation ringing in the backround of her cellphone calls, and she got up and instead talked while standing in the aisle. We were damned proud of that drive off.

The second one was either really scared of sitting with us, or just a really nice guy, I am not sure which. After we moved up a couple cars to beat the Gary drop off, High Maintence and Nerd jumped into a four seater that was occupied by just one guy, and I took an empty two seater right across from them. We did a little chit-chatting and he asked if we were all together, and after being told that we were, he offered to switch me places.

So I don't know if our reputation precedes us or what, but we are definately moving up on the Muggle Ticker lately. We are as hot as the Chicago White Sox.


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