Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

Mmmmm Beer...

Well there aren't many redeeming qualities about being a South Shore commuter. The train is dirty, it smells funny, muggles get in the way, gorditas clog the aisles, the seats are uncomfortable... I could keep going, but frankly unless you are dense, you get the picture.

Anyways, one of my personal favorite traditions on the South Shore is Beer Friday's. The original crowd I used to sit with used to do themes were they would bring beer from certian countries to fit holiday's and/or moods. The crowd I sit with now, does keep Beer Friday's sacred, as do many of the regular commuters. This Friday was no different as High Maintence, Nerd, and myself partook in the ritual drinking of the beer. The 2nd best part of Beer Friday's (besides the beer of course) are the topics that get talked about. Friday we managed to have a religious arguement over homosexuality AND abortion, along with talk about the latest in reality TV. Too bad everyday can't be Beer Friday...


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