Slumped shoulders, furrowed brow, audible sigh, backpack carelessly slung over the shoulder, dirty looks, quick walk... Usually off of the train these things mean the wife is mad. On the train, these things are a source of accomplishment. Add all of those things up and that means we have successfully ran off another muggle.
[pats selves on the back's]
The surprising things was that the conversation wasn't even too harmful. It was some of the usual talk, but somehow it managed to work out. It might have had something to do with having an unusually large contingent of 4:30 people on the 4:01, as Part-Time Rider has retaken her rightful spot on the 4:01, and we also had NDBill, and Permenantly Open-Seat also with us, to go along with the usuals in me, Nerd, and High Maintence. The combo of volume and crudeness was most likely the key to our successful runoff of Muggle #3. I can only hope the drought until #4 isn't nearly as long.
[pats selves on the back's]
The surprising things was that the conversation wasn't even too harmful. It was some of the usual talk, but somehow it managed to work out. It might have had something to do with having an unusually large contingent of 4:30 people on the 4:01, as Part-Time Rider has retaken her rightful spot on the 4:01, and we also had NDBill, and Permenantly Open-Seat also with us, to go along with the usuals in me, Nerd, and High Maintence. The combo of volume and crudeness was most likely the key to our successful runoff of Muggle #3. I can only hope the drought until #4 isn't nearly as long.
At 11:37 AM,
southsider2k5 said…
And actually being able to LOWER the class of our conversations isn't exactly easy...
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