Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

Mugglepalooza 2k5 draws to close

Times when school is out always suck on the South Shore. When school is out, some parents get the idea to take their kids to the big city, which in itself is a cool idea. The big problem is that inconsiderate, selfish, dopey adults, tend to raise inconsiderate, selfish, dopey, and loud kids. Its like half of these kids get out of their chains in the basement and have no idea what it is like to be in a crowd of people. So what happens is that these same illequiped parents decide that it would be a good idea to educate their kids all in one day by taking them to a museum, or to further their spoiling and waste a ton of money on something like American Girl Place crap. Then after a day of walking around Chicago or some cultural exhibit, they try to get them to sit still on the train for a hour or two. Needless to say this works about as well as taking them to Science and Industry for a day so their kid can become a nuclear engineer. Lucky for us commuters these little brats are back in school, so the South Shore should become a little more tolerable... at least until Thanksgiving or Christmas.


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