Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

The Big 1-0-0-0

In yet another shameless display of smugness, I would like to take the time to pat this blog on the back, yet again. Early yesterday morning, Purgatory with Pantagraphs recieved its 1000th unique user hit. After much deliberation with the rest of the crew about exactly what that means, I decided that this deserved its own post. Even in our short history there have been so many good stories to share, it almost makes the commuter worth living now. I know that no matter how bad things are, it will make for an even funnier blog post, and maybe brighten someone else's day. Hopefully the next 1000 hits don't take nearly as long...

Now I would be ashamed if I didn't take out the time to thanks those who make this blog possible. Besides the yoman's work that I myself put into this, how could I not recognize some of the others who provide me with my best material? So for the Gorditas, have another triple cheeseburger... For Sasquatch, ditch that belt... For Crackhead, have another hit ... For Our Favorite Conductor, Where is Dion anyway? ... For the Muggles, take the time to stop at American Girl Place... For the Freaks, throw away that Prozac, you don't need it anyways...

Thanks again everyone, enjoy!


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