Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

Late nominee... Freak of the Week W/E 2/17

I have been riding the train a little over 7 years now, and it isn't unusally to see people ride the South Shore encumbered with a lot of stuff. Many college kids use the SS as a method of getting home during a break, families use it as a means of transit for the holidays, and I swear some homeless people use it as a way to move around their stuff. Heck Saquatch daily gets on with what looks like the biggest pillowcase I have ever seen, which we are all convinced contains his lunch. I have seen many things brought on the train before, but one guy added his name to the list of things I had never, but now have, seen in person.

Friday as we all were getting on at Van Buren, we sat on one side of the aisle in the 4 seater, and the Gorditas began to fill the other side, when what should appear through the train doors, but a big dude, and a HP laser jet printer. Now realize, that I am not talking about a personal computer printer, I am talking about a full size, older model, office-style, laser jet printer. And to my extreme enjoyment, he picked the one open seat on the aisle with the Gorditas to sit in. Of course he got all of the dirty looks from the Gorditas which are usually reserved for the guy who shuts down the buffet at Ryan's every night, but instead this guy squeezed in with his printer on his lap, and into the laps of the person next too, and accross from him.

Of course we were really nice to the guy, as he was doing a public service usually preformed by us, in pissing off the Gorditas. Kobe, herself was extra crabby, barely even referring to any of her favorite topics, instead reserving herself for some particularly nasty looks at both us and BYOP (bring your own printer-man) Unfortunately, an open two seater right behind the Gorditas came available right after Hegwisch, so the hilarity didn't ensue nearly as long as we would have liked it to. But it did last long enough to give us our second Freak of the Week award winner.


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