Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

Gorging with the Gorditas!

As many of you know who have ever had the misfortune of sitting around the Gorditas well knows, two things are omni-present... Food, and the man-talk. Its always interesting to see 3 or 4 fat girls talking about men, wondering why they are having man problems, meanwhile stuffing their faces with bags off food that seemingly appear out of no where, and disappear into the great lard-open. Yesterday Part-Time Rider had the misfortune of drawing the short pixie-stick and being stuck with sitting with them. During the short time she was over there at least three distinct different types of candies were passed around, including fruit slices and atomic fireballs being positively identified. Now I like to snack on the train, but I also don't resemble Jabba the Hut and then wonder aloud why no one responds to my ads on internet dating sites either...


  • At 1:46 PM, Blogger southsider2k5 said…

    Its a little known fact that talking about food is so tiring, and burns so many caloiries that one must eat while talking about food just to keep ones strength.


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