The Legend of the 4 Seater Troll

Gather round the fire children, and let me regale you with a truely scary story...
The Story of the Troll of the FourSeater.
Now most trolls are reclusive people, who like to hide in dark places away from others, but this troll is different. This troll likes to hide in plain sight on the South Shore train. Also different from most trolls, she likes to be loud, and be noticed, whereas most trolls do not crave interaction, well except for the occasional toll collection. The other distinguishing characteristic making this creature unique is her obvious crossbreeding with a dwarf, which is made known through her 4 and a half foot tall stature. Now don't let her size or receeding hairline fool you, this troll is mean, and not to be crossed. She can be particularly vicious when needing to use the bathroom, and will not hesitate to attack both your ankles and kneecaps if her sightline to the bathroom is obscured or blocked. I warn all of you children, if you find yourself on the 104 train, and somehow if you become aware that you are in the 4th car, for your own safety, and for those who love you, beware of the troll. Do not approach her, do not congregate nearly bathroom facilities as this will only serve to enrage her. Do not stare her in the eyes, as your knees will probably hurt from getting down onto the ground. Be safe.
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