Purgatory With Pantagraphs

From the depths of commuter hell, comes Purgatory with Pentagraphs. These are the continuing stories of the brave souls who commute daily to Chicago on the South Shore electric train, and the muggles who are unfortunate enough to meet them.

HoW WoUld U LikE FREE B33r?!?!

So the other day when I was posting here I was looking at the control panel, and one of the options they have is to add an advertising program to your site. I had noticed it before, and shrugged it off... For the amount of revenue it would generate, it was probably pretty pointless right? And then it hit me. We could put the advertising up, and then you the readers could give the ads an occasional click, and from that revenue, we could get beer for the train ride home. Now I know you are saying, wow, why would I give a shit? Here is the kicker... beer=great trainride stories. Think about it... some of the greatest stories ever told from the South Shore train involve alcohol in some way, shape, or form. You could be literally contributing to more excellent reading material here at Purgatory with Pantagraphs!

So I will put it in the hands of you the reader. Should PWP add advertising to fund the drinking habits of us the riders? Please send your emails to southsider2k4@gmail.com or if you are registered here at blogger (and you should be!) you can leave your comments in the comment area.

And we thank you for your support.

"A Day without Gringo's"

Well for a protest with 300,000 people attending, the train was incredibly quiet. To be honest it was no more crowded than a typical Friday rush hour train would be. The aisles had people standing in them, but it was by no means crazy. I got some pics from the streets, rally, and on the train, but of course I have them on my computer at home, so there is nothing to post as of yet. The enjoyable part was that most of the Muggles were off of the train by East Chicago, and Nerd and myself had a four seater to ourselves for the whole rest of the ride.

Couple early pics and info

Well the excitement is already building down here in Chicago's financial district. Protests and marches have already began, hours before anything was scheduled to happen this far south. Security and police presence are at really high levels, only matched or exceeded by when President Bush visited the Board of Trade. Here are a couple of early pics. One is of an early small march, and the other is looking down Jackson Blvd at the crowds gathered already.

EDIT, photoblogger has taken a dump, so only the one pic can be posted.

WCE strikes again!!!

This morning being the first of the month, the Worst Conductor Ever (WCE) was running late as usual. He slammed through the back door of my car at about 95th street and began his task of checking tickets. On the outside of my seat was a younger woman, with short hair in that disfunctionally messed up look, but very obviously a female. WCE gets to our seats, takes the woman's ticket she is offering up to be punched, like the good little commuter that she seems to be. WCE leers at her for a solid five seconds, punches the ticket, and hands it back to her stating...

"I just had to make sure, you never know anymore"

Yup, that's right. Worst Conductor Ever, the cross dresser spotter.